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PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS Of The Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps)

DATE:2024/11/20 22:29:34 Source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider Visits:0

PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS Of The Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps)

Cross section: Product lubricated Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps),Vertical wet pit pumps are intended for use in the pumping applications to pump clean or lightly contaminated liquids. The pumping head is suspended into the pumped liquid and the drive motor is dry installed on the top. The pump has common discharge / support column. The vertical wet pit pump has a vertical line shaft with the slide bearings typically lubricated by the pumped liquid.

All the sectional drawings provided in this section are typical representations of the most common Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps) types and are provided for the purposes of basic understanding of the equipment.

The details shown may not reflect the specifics of The Vertical Turbine Pump (VTP wet pit pump) that has been purchased. Order-specific cross sectional drawings and parts list can be purchased from  Perfect Industry separately. Contact China Perfect Industry Co., Ltd for ordering and pricing information on such drawings and documentation.

Parts identification: Discharge head and column assembly (See Figure A for parts details) 

Typical wet pit/sump type design-product lubricated Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps).

Parts identification: Bowl assembly  (See Figure B for parts details) 

Typical wet pit/sump type design-product lubricated Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps).

8.2.1 Parts identification: Typical enclosed shaft and oil lube connections

Typical enclosed tube/oil lubricated VTP

PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS Of The Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP wet pit pumps).jpg

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